


Hi , I’m Kelly

I’m a sucker for gnarly adventures and a long day out exploring the mountains (and maybe stopping for flowers).

With an Honour’s degree in Mathematics and a Master’s in Molecular Biology, I bring a scientific approach to my love for running and the mountains. I love to nerd-out out on the science behind training, performance, and the connections between mind and body. I have a particular interest in women-specific training protocols. Traditional approaches to training theory are mostly based on studies using male sample groups. I am passionate about designing training plans based on exciting, recent research on female-specific training.

Through a long-time love affair with running I’ve been blessed wild adventures in incredible places. I have completed numerous multi-day hikes and taken part in many races including finishing as 1st lady and 4th overall at the Cederberg traverse 100k, 2nd lady in Maxi 75km, 3rd lady at the Oxpecker stage race, a couple of long days at Backyard Ultras, and a 280km Drakensburg Grand Traverse. Amongst the highs, I’ve also experienced failures, mistakes and many hard-way learnt lessons – I’m very grateful for these too.

My favorite thing about sport, and ultra running in particular, is that it creates a microcosm of your reality, where you confront your weaknesses and develop your strengths. It provides a training ground to build skills, discipline, resilience, grit, grace and patience. In my experience, transferring these skills to other life areas is not always easy. I am currently working towards becoming a certified and licensed Life Coach to enable me to work with my clients to develop protocols focused on training your mind and behaviors to reach non-running related goals too.

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$150 PM (International)


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